Live fully: stop your past intruding in your present life.

With expertise in adult mental health & relationships.

Dr Clare Conway, BSc (Hons). DClinPsy. CPsychol. AFBPsS.

Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Advanced Schema Therapist in private practice in Mayfair, London, W1K


Hello & Welcome

I’m Dr Clare Conway, a London-based Consultant Clinical Psychologist & ISST Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer.

I provide trauma-focused and relational therapy for adult mental health and relationship issues. My primary models are Schema Therapy and EMDR.

Specialist mental health consultancy and coaching services can also be accessed via StartupHEALTHY & FounderBALANCE® - services developed specifically for entrepreneurs and individuals in high-pressured, competitive, innovative and creative industries.

Bringing a focus to your mental health & well-being




Anger & Irritability

Relationship & Intimacy issues


Mood Instability & Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety & Adjustment issues


Self-sabotage & Addiction

Trauma & PTSD


Entrepreneurial Stress & Burnout

Personalised & Tailored Services

The beauty of clinical psychology and integrative therapies such as Schema Therapy & EMDR is that I can tailor consultancy services and the treatments provided to your specific needs and goals.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy is a specialised and evidence-based integrative and relational therapy developed to treat a range of adult mental health, relationship and intimacy issues and self-sabotaging life traps. It also aims to strengthen one’s healthiest self.


Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a trauma-focused therapy effective in PTSD and complex trauma. It is also effective in a range of other mental health issues which may be associated with or aggravated by an earlier trauma. This model is also effective in enhancing self-belief and performance.

Entrepreneurial & Creative Mental Health Consultancy

In response to the growing mental health crisis in entrepreneurs and the creative industries, I have developed tailored and flexible consulting and therapy services - StartupHEALTHY and FounderBALANCE® - for individuals facing the psychological challenges of high-pressured, competitive, creative & entrepreneurial pursuits.

Learn to relate differently

Transforming your relationship with self & others

Many of the symptoms we experience and the situations that most trigger us are often communicating earlier attachment wounds. For example, past experiences of betrayal may lead to a deep feeling of distrust in others or an unhealthy eagerness to secure approval, either of which could be manifesting in symptoms of anxiety. Experiencing self within a new attachment experience is, as such, often key to change. Through genuine regard, attuned listening and clear boundaries, the therapeutic relationship is, for some, the first opportunity to explore and examine personal needs and to find one’s mind in an open and repairing way.


Examine your life & your needs

Is your past negatively affecting your well-being?

Sometimes our earlier relationship experiences are revisited and replicated in our adult relationships, our career and business decisions, our reactions to events and in our coping responses.

Perhaps there are events you have not yet processed that are interfering in your psychological health. Individual therapy provides a supportive space in which to explore your personal story.

Become your healthiest self

Learn to respond differently to change unhealthy life patterns and curb self-sabotaging impulses.


Explore your concerns openly

Feel reassured by high levels of privacy and discretion.

Having practised as a Clinical Psychologist for over 15 years, Dr Conway’s private practice has developed organically through her professional reputation and through the industry relationships she has forged, with excellence in care and high levels of privacy and discretion characterising the services she provides.