“Cast your healthiest self into the foundations of your business.”

- Dr Clare Conway

Mental Health Consultancy for Entrepreneurs & Creatives

I offer tailored services for individuals in high-pressured, competitive, creative, and entrepreneurial roles. Some of the issues we may work on include:

  • Chronic stress and burnout

  • Feelings of hopelessness, loss of motivation, depression

  • Perfectionism

  • Performance anxiety & procrastination

  • Heightened self-reliance/difficulties relinquishing control

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Interpersonal stress/ toxic relationships

  • Issues with trust and collaborating

  • Instability in mood and self-esteem (cyclothymia, bipolar disorder)

  • Narcissistic vulnerability and rage

  • Addictive and self-sabotaging behaviours

  • Life /work balance

Following an initial assessment of your psychological health, I will recommend the most appropriate approach, integrating Clinical Psychology with Schema Therapy (and where indicated, EMDR) to work towards your personal goals.

Bringing clinical psychology and schema therapy to entrepreneurs and the creative industry.

StartupHEALTHY & FounderBALANCE®

Choosing the right service for you.


Prioritise your mental health in your business plans.


StartupHEALTHY is a 6-session psychological consulting and coaching package for individuals who are in the initial phases of establishing a business, launching a project or embarking on a new creative venture.

As the face of entrepreneurship changes globally, this is a space to review your psychological health and establish early on any unhealthy patterns in relating or coping which may hinder your capacity to balance your business and creative goals with other life priorities.

If more significant mental health needs are identified, and you’re keen to work on these issues, a longer period of therapy will be recommended.

It isn’t simply business start-up stress or business failings that bring individuals into therapy.  

“For some, it’s only when their business is at the height of its success, that they crash into fatigue, apathy and depression.”

- Dr Clare Conway

Stressed by toxic team dynamics? Or is your relationship with a key investor, co-founder or client under strain?

Develop an understanding of how your earlier attachment experiences may be enacted in work relationships, and make changes to build a healthier team.

Finding a professional who is qualified to treat mental health needs is key

“Entrepreneurs need to see clinically trained psychologists and therapists to appropriately assess and treat emotional and relationship needs.”

- Dr Clare Conway

The mental health crisis in entrepreneurs is real

“49% of entrepreneurs form at least one mental health condition in their lifetime, compared to 25% of the general adult population.”

— Michael A. Freeman, MD

A focus on mental health in entrepreneurs

  • There is growing recognition of mental health needs within entrepreneurs, with research revealing that founders are 50% more likely to report having a mental health condition, specifically depression, substance misuse, ADHD or bipolar disorder. Entrepreneurial burnout has become a somewhat accepted side-effect of working in a competitive and fast paced industry. But this doesn’t have to be the case. It’s important to listen to the first signs if your mental health is suffering. This may be communicated through irritability, procrastination, or fatigue; or later, as symptoms progress - through panic attacks, racing thoughts, or reckless decision-making. Understanding your emotional life traps will enable you to preempt and navigate personal and business challenges differently.

  • Instability in mood and self-esteem is particularly prominent in entrepreneurs. In my experience, both aspiring early career entrepreneurs and established founder CEOs frequently present for therapy with cyclothymia - a milder version of mood instability, which if untreated can, in some cases, develop into bipolar disorder. Importantly, fluctuations in mood and energy don’t necessarily signal cyclothymia, as many of these experiences will be felt within normal limits or at sub-clinical levels. If you are worried by the instability of your mood, it will be helpful to explore how the variations in your mood and energy are triggered so that you can return to a healthier baseline more quickly and smoothly.

  • Mental health needs may develop in response to the relentless stress and risks in the early seed stage of establishing a business, be it financial or relational stressors. For others, their tenacious, ambitious and energy-defying entrepreneurialism is masking deeper longer-standing emotional or relationship problems which pre-date their business pursuits. At some point, however, upsetting memories or destructive impulses cut through even the busiest of schedules and the individual is faced with the feelings they’ve been working so hard to avoid.

  • It’s completely understandable to want to block out upsetting feelings and thoughts. Work itself or perfectionism can become forms of coping, fuelled by an addictive need for stimulation and success, or a need for recognition and approval. As unhealthy coping mechanisms go, working hard is not at the top of the list, but if self-esteem hangs precariously on success, the stakes will only get higher and the real issues underlying the need to be seen or valued by significant others is not acknowledged.

  • A fear of failure or status anxiety may drive other coping behaviours, with some entrepreneurs taking stimulant drugs to heighten thinking speed and confidence, and others using alcohol or sex to numb negative feelings and stress. This is self-sabotage in its full painful glory - with coping responses only taking one further from the connectedness that is so often craved. Sometimes we need to name our inner saboteur and look at it directly in order to conquer an underlying propensity to attach to substances or sex over real connections.

Bring your restlessness, yearnings and fears to therapy, or these feelings and impulses will make themselves known in other more destructive ways.

“Balancing a need for distinctiveness as an individual with a sense of belonging can be an ongoing challenge for some entrepreneurs.”

- Dr Clare Conway


Bring your healthiest self to work & play.


Are you a founder who is struggling to prioritise your psychological health? Are your personal relationships suffering? Perhaps you’re worried by your levels of irritability or by the quality of recent decision making. Anxiety or erratic changes in your mood may be undermining your performance, contributing to burnout, co-founder conflict, or an inability to fully commit.

Using Clinical Psychology and Schema Therapy as both an assessment and intervention frame, FounderBALANCE® works to identify the schema life traps which may be eroding your psychological health, to enhance well-being, resilience, performance and motivation; to create a healthier self who can progress business and personal goals with greater emotional agility and without compromising health.

Where an untreated mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder, an addiction, or any other significant mental health issue is identified, treatment will be tailored accordingly.

If you’re ready to explore the psychological issues that may be sabotaging your personal and professional well-being, please get in touch to arrange an initial consultation and I’ll be able to assess if FounderBALANCE® is right for you.

Value mental health

 As innovators look to disrupt old models and carve out solutions for a post-pandemic world, supporting founder mental health is a priority.”

- Dr Clare Conway